"Mind, Body, Soul constitute a tripod, upon the meaningful combination of which the world is sustained. This combination of the above is Purusha - who is sentient and who is the subject matter for this science. It is for this that Ayurveda has been brought to light. The body and the mind are the abodes of diseases as well as health. Proper body-mind interaction is the cause for happiness." - Charaka Samhita
As the season of Fall is upon us, we naturally move towards increased activity in work, school, and fill our calendars with productivity. While we are planning for the next season, our minds may still be savoring the last days of summer - time at the beach with family and friends. What comes to my mind is that mother nature is in transition, and how to optimize my well-being so I can embrace the change of season gracefully. The lifestyle that nature intended for us to best manage the ebb and flow of life, can be found in the timeless wisdom practice of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is the natural wisdom that informs and empowers you to heal your life. It stems from the ancient Vedas on health and balanced living. The Sanskrit translation, Ayur -Life, Veda - Science of Knowledge or Wisdom. According to Ayurveda, the four distinct things that life is composed of are: mind, body, senses, and soul. Our Mind contributes to our overall well-being. Our thoughts, emotions and overall outlook on life - how we think about things and do we start from a space of gratitude. Our Body - how do we take care of our health - nutrition, exercise, habits we cultivate; this pertains to how we feel. Our Soul - connection to our higher self, spiritual consciousness. Our Senses - visual, sound, smell, taste, touch, - are signs or signals that point out whether we are moving in the direction of balanced living , recognizing any obstacles that contribute to an unbalanced life. Once you truly learn and get to know yourself - mind, body, senses, and soul - you will come to understand what things bring you balance and what things do not and to design a blueprint to make the changes towards wellbeing and a resilient self.
Ayurveda focuses on the individual as a whole and prescribes treatment according to that individual’s needs; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to heal the person’s overall health. Ayurveda determines imbalance through mental, physical, and emotional assessment of doshas - a combination of characteristics based on a five-element philosophy that drives our physical and psychological tendencies. The three doshas are Vata - consists of elements air and space, Pitta - consists of element fire, and Kapha - consists of elements water and earth. The purpose of Ayurveda is to recognize we are not separate from nature, as it transitions, so do we.
When the doshas, or functional principles, are out of balance in quality or quantity, then our well-being is adversely affected and symptoms can manifest. Once you know your type and and root of your symptoms, you can discern a proper wellness regimen.

I will be teaching a workshop on foundations of Ayurveda, Knowing your Body, consisting of customized dosha assessment, yoga for body type, and recipe making on Sunday, September 22nd from 1-3pm. If you are interested in learning more about your mind/body/emotional type and treatment for the upcoming season, then please join me. Register here at Loopwell!
If you'd like to learn more about my work, schedule a free consultation, connect here.
